Featured Devotional

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Spurgeon on Gospel “Conversation”

October 16, 2021

In my typical fashion, I am usually late to the “party.” Others have been doing what I am now discovering as being an amazing thing. In this case, reading from the old Christian preachers and teachers. But as we all say, “Better late than never!” I have been featuring Charles Spurgeon’s devotionals, and as many would know, these old Christian preachers bring value to our faith today. Not…

Featured Devotional

“Oh Let My Troubling Soul Be Still”

October 12, 2021

Do you find yourself in a difficult place where faith is being tested? Maybe it’s a hard place you’ve been in for days, months, or even years. Or perhaps you’re fighting against God drawing you in to such a place. We know as Christian sojourners on earth that trials are part of our journey, but when they do come, we can find ourselves surprised by them and wonder,…

Featured Devotional

Stuck in a Trial?

April 13, 2021

We go through times when our hard and painful circumstances seem like they are getting the best of us, and our faith feels as though we are walking on a tight rope, a thousand feet off the ground, unharnessed. We are tested, tried and probably at times, on the verge of losing it. We can wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Am I that broken?” (The answer should come…

Featured Devotional

Faith Proven by Trials

February 23, 2021

Past trials are not easily forgotten, or rather, should not be for one good reason: to remember the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father. These old trials can bring a stronger resolution, a firmer faith, for future challenges and crisis. While younger, I avoided pain at all costs by trying my hardest to be “good” in order to dodge God’s discipline or maintain his favor. I soon realized pain…

Featured Devotional

Serving the Lord with Gladness

January 30, 2021

“Serve the Lord with gladness.” -Psalm 100:2 Delight in divine service is a token of acceptance. Those who serve God with a sad countenance, because they do what is unpleasant to them, are not serving him at all; they bring the form of homage, but the life is absent. Our God requires no slaves to grace his throne; he is the Lord of the empire of love, and…